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Research Disclaimer
Geojit Financial Services Limited (Formerly known as Geojit BNP Paribas), a publically listed company, is engaged in services of retail broking, portfolio management and marketing investment products including mutual funds, life & general insurance and properties and as such prepares and shares research data and reports periodically with clients, investors, stake holders and general public in compliance with Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Securities And Exchange Board Of India (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014 and/or any other applicable directives, instructions or guidelines issued by the Regulators from time to time.
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The reports include projections, forecasts and other predictive statements which represent GEOJIT’s assumptions and expectations in the light of currently available information. These projections and forecasts are based on industry trends, circumstances and factors which involve risks, variables and uncertainties. The actual performance of the companies represented in the report may vary from those projected. The projections and forecasts described in this reports should be evaluated keeping in mind the fact that these :
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Certain transactions - futures, options and other derivatives as well as non-investment grade securities - involve substantial risks and are not suitable for all investors. Investors may lose his/her entire investment under certain market conditions. Before acting on any advice or recommendation in this material, investors should consider whether it is suitable for their particular circumstances and, if necessary, seek professional advice. The price and value of investments referred to in research reports and the income from them may fluctuate. Transaction costs may be significant in option strategies calling for multiple purchase and sales of options. Foreign currencies denominated securities are subject to fluctuations in exchange rates that could have an adverse effect on the value or price of or income derived from the investment. Investors in securities such as ADRs, the value of which are influenced by foreign currencies effectively assume currency risk.
The recommendations in the reports are based on 12 month horizon, unless otherwise specified. The investment ratings are on absolute positive/negative return basis. It is possible that due to volatile price fluctuation in the near to medium term, there could be a temporary mismatch to rating. For reasons of valuations/return/lack of clarity/event we may revisit rating at appropriate time. The securities always carry the risk of being upgraded to buy or downgraded to a hold, reduce or sell. The opinions expressed in the reports are subject to change but we have no obligation to tell our clients when our opinions or recommendations change. The reports are non-inclusive and do not consider all the information that the recipients may consider material to investments. The reports are issued by Geojit without any liability/undertaking/commitment on the part of itself or any of its entities.
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Past performance is not a guide for future performance, future returns are not guaranteed and investors may suffer losses which may exceed their original capital.
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    For the purpose of this Policy, “Personal information” is any information that relates to a natural person which, either by itself or can be used in combination with any other information available with Geojit, for identifying such person. Sensitive personal data or information as defined under Rule 3 of IT (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 has been considered as a part of personal information.
    Geojit may collect and hold personal information relating to you and your identity that you have provided to us, such as on an application or Know Your Client (KYC) and member-client forms. We may also collect your personal information when you use our services or websites or otherwise interact with us during the course of our relationship.
    Personal information collected and held by us may include, amongst other things, your father’s name, spouse’s name, date of birth, residential and correspondence addresses (current and previous), telephone number, mobile phone number, email address, education and occupation related details and information contained in the documents used as proof of identity and proof of address and bank account. Geojit collect, store, process Sensitive Personal Information, including password, financial information (details of annual income, networth, portfolio, Bank account, debit card, or other payment instrument details), depository details. We may also hold information related to your utilization of our services which may include your call details, your browsing history on our website and additional information provided by you while using our services any other information collected in relation to your use of our products and services ("information").
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    We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the confidentiality of your information is maintained by imposing strict confidentiality standards on all the third parties with whom we part these information. In all circumstances we shall ensure that your personal information is protected by strict confidentiality agreement. We shall not allow any third parties to retain your personal information longer than what is warranted by the nature of services rendered.
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    We maintain the security of our internet connections however, for reasons outside of our control, security risks may still arise. Any personal information transmitted to us or from our online products or services will therefore be your own risk. However, we will strive to ensure the security of your information. We observe reasonable security measures to protect your personal information against hacking and virus dissemination.
    Please note that Geojit website may contain links to third party links/websites over which we exercise no control. It is highly recommended that when you are accessing a non- Geojit website, you should always read their privacy policy or website terms and conditions – especially if you are considering providing them with your personal information.
    We are committed to safeguard your personal information collected and handled by us and look forward to your continued support for the same. In case of any feedback or concern regarding protection of your personal information, you can contact us at Alternatively, you may also direct your privacy-related feedback or concerns to the Privacy Grievance Officer whose details are as mentioned below:
    Issac Yohannan
    Chief Information Security Officer
    Contact no: 0484 2901720
    Mobile: 9995800649
    Geojit reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy at any time, as and when the need arises. We request you to visit our website periodically for contemporary information and changes.
In congruity with industry standards & practice and our business requirements, our employees are incentivized, financially or otherwise, for the business generated through various financial products & services offered. However, we do not have an incentive structure that encourages sale of products that are in conflict with your interests. Earnest efforts have been made to introduce the most comprehensive products & services, keeping our client's best interest in mind. This disclosure is being made voluntarily, towards our initiative to eliminate conflict of interest situations.
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